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Hardwood Flooring



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Hardwood Flooring Information 

Hardwood Flooring Finish Wholesale Information

 Hardwood Flooring Finish Wholesale Distributor,Wholesale Hardwood Flooring,Wholesale Flooring Distributor,Laminate Flooring Distributor,Wholesale Tile Distributor,Limerick,Philadelphia,PA,Pennsylvania,Delaware Valley,New Jersey,Delaware,MD,19464,610,215,302,856
The wood floor finish company
where experience makes the difference.


 Hardwood Flooring Finish Wholesale Distributor,Wholesale Hardwood Flooring,Wholesale Flooring Distributor,Laminate Flooring Distributor,Wholesale Tile Distributor,Limerick,Philadelphia,PA,Pennsylvania,Delaware Valley,New Jersey,Delaware,MD,19464,610,215,302,856 Neptune High Traffic Commercial
Waterbased Finish

? Two-component waterbased finish
? For high-traffic, commercial areas
? Provides long-lasting, non-ambering finish
? Use over Smooth Seal, Precision Penetrating Seal & Stains
? Available in Satin, Semi Gloss, Gloss

CF - 520 - SATIN
CF - 590 - GLOSS

Technical Data:
USES: NEPTUNE 2-Component Waterbased Finish is a two component, waterbased finish for heavy traffic and commercial hardwood floors. NEPTUNE 2- Component Waterbased Finish provides a long-lasting, non-ambering finish for use over Precision SmoothSeal Waterbased Sealer or Precision Penetrating Seal & Stain. Available in Gloss, Semi-Gloss, and Satin.

SURFACE PREPARATION: Preparation: Sand the floor according to NWFA/ NOFMA specifications. Fill all cracks with Precision Full Trowel Filler or Wood Patch. Seal the floor according to label directions using Precision SmoothSeal Waterbased Finish or Precision Penetrating Seal & Stain in selected colors. All other stains should be tested for compatibility. DO NOT apply NEPTUNE 2-Component Waterbased Finish over the floors sealed with wax, non-drying oils, shellac or stearated sealers. It is not necessary and it is not recommended to use SmoothSeal or other sealers on stained floors.

Stains other than Precision Stains must be tested for compatibility.
DO NOT apply Precision NEPTUNE over floors sealed with wax, non drying oils, shellac or stearated sealers.
Block off any direct sources of sunlight hitting the floor.
Wait 24 hours before allowing light traffic on final coat.
Maintain floor with routine vacuuming and Precision Wood / Laminate Cleaner Spray according to directions.
Use felt floor protectors under all furniture.
DO NOT cover floor with rugs for two weeks.
DO NOT use cleaner or water for two weeks after the final coat has been applied.

MIXING: SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING. Shake NEPTUNE finish (Part A) well for 15 to 30 seconds before adding hardener. Pour the finish into a clean, dry plastic container. If less than a gallon is desired, use the graduated marks on the side of Part B container. While stirring vigorously, slowly add one bottle of Neptune Hardener (NH 30 Part B) per gallon of NEPTUNE 2-Component Waterbased Finish (Part A). Continue to stir for 2 to 3 minutes. Let stand for 5 to 10 minutes before applying. NOTE: Use only Neptune Hardener. Never add extra amounts of hardener. DO NOT ADD WATER TO HARDENER. Material with hardener added should not be used after 5 hours. USE CAUTION: Hardener may cause skin irritation. Always wear protective gloves and clothing when handling Hardener.

APPLICATION TOOLS: NEPTUNE 2-Component Waterbased Finish can be applied with a nylon bristle brush (for cutting in), synthetic applicator, paint pad, or a T-bar applicator at the spread rate of 400 to 450 square feet per gallon.

T-BAR APPLICATION: Apply at the rate of 400 to 450 square feet per gallon. Pour a 5 to 6 inch bead of material the length of the floor. Cut in the side with a paint pad. Pull the finish in a snow plow method from end-to-end in the room. Always work with the grain of the wood. Swivel the applicator when 6 inches from the baseboard and stop in line with the finish bead or puddle. Rock the applicator to remove excess product and feather the turn mark. It is important to feather out all turn and stop marks. Coat the edges at the end of the room just before the coating of the body of the floor. Touch up ends as you coat across the floor to feather out applicator stop marks. Add product to bead in body to maintain a uniform product bead. By changing the angle of the applicator head, the product can be repositioned to maintain a wet edge without pouring out excess material. The speed of walking during the application and the weight of the applicator can and will affect the thickness of material left on the floor. Continue the procedure across the floor and reduce the size of the bead as you near the exit from the room. Allow to dry at least 3 to 4 hours* or overnight before applying the next coat. When dry, abrade with a maroon abrasive pad. Be sure to hand abrade all areas not reached with machine. Vacuum floor and surrounding areas thoroughly and tack with a lint-free cotton cloth dampened with water. Apply next coat of NEPTUNE as previously instructed. DO NOT APPLY MORE THAN 2 COATS THE SAME DAY (Smooth Seal and/or finish). Always abrade between coats. For floors that the grain has been opened before applying stain, you may need an additional coat of finish.
* Note: Low temperatures, high humidity, as well as cool damp conditions will retard drying. Warm the area to recommended temperature or allow extra drying time.
For best results, the room and the product should be between 60?F to 80?F. Before applying finish, check stained floors for dryness. Lightly rub stained floor in the open grain and between boards with a dry white cloth or paper towel. The floor must be completely dry before applying finish. 24 to 48 hours dry time is recommended. Caution: Do not cap finish with hardener to avoid pressure due to carbon dioxide release. Dispose of unused finish according to state and federal regulations. Clean Up: Clean applicators and equipment using water.

CURING: Wait 24 hours before allowing light traffic on the final coat. The total curing process takes approximately 7 to 10 days. DO NOT place rugs on the floor for approximately 2 to 3 weeks.

MAINTENANCE: Maintain floor with routine vacuuming and Precision Wood / Laminate Floor Spray Cleaner according to directions. DO NOT use cleaner for two weeks after final coat. Use felt floor protectors under all furniture. Put walk-off mats at all entrances to keep out excessive dirt.

PACKAGING: Gallon 3/Case (Includes (3) 12.8 oz. of hardener)

BOILING RANGE: >212?F 212?F (100C)
% Volatile - wt: 66
Vapor Density: Heavier than air
Appearance and odor: White, milky liquid with a mild odor
Evaporation Rate: Slower than n-Butyl Acetate
Density: 8.5 lbs/gal (1.04 KG/L)
Solubility in water: Miscible
Flash Point: Over 200?F
VOC Maximum 260g/l or 2.14 lbs/g




















Hardwood Flooring Finish, Hardwood Flooring, Wholesale Flooring Information Flooring, Laminate Flooring Information, Wholesale Tile Information, Limerick, Wholesale Flooring Information Philadelphia, Wholesale Flooring Information PA, Flooring Wholesale Information Pennsylvania, Wholesale Flooring Information Delaware Valley, Montgomery County, Berks County, Delaware County, Philadelphia County, Chester County, Wholesale Flooring Information New Jersey, Wholesale Flooring Information Delaware, MD, 19464, 610, 215, 302, 856, Century hardwood flooring wholesale Information, wholesale ceramic tile Information, wholesale porcelain tile Information, wholesale imported tile Information, tile contractor supplier, tile Information, tile dealer Information, delconca tile Information, Oshkosh flooring wholesale, Tile Installation Products, Commercial Flooring Tools


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